Naruto Shippuden is a wildly well-known animated adventure film in Japan and the famous game studios are releasing lots of simulation games inspired by the animated series. In general, the games Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution PS3 ROM game is among the upcoming fighting games in the Ultimate Ninja Storm series of games.
The game was created through the Cyber Connect 2 game company and was launched at the end of 2008 Namco Bandai Games.
As with the previous series players choose characters in the game to battle in 2D fighting as in other games “Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm” is a game with the added benefit of having games will take place in a 3D setting. The game features 25 characters available for players to play with, each one having their own unique functions and methods.
Additionally the game is upgraded with a brand new feature known as “Awakening Mode,” which is a strategy for games that players can utilize when their health is deteriorating in large quantities.
The aim for this feature is to boost the player’s speed and attack greater. This game has a significant amount of sales as it was released with a total of over 2 millions players.
PUBLISHER | Namco Bandai Games |
GENRE | Other |
SIZE | 7.77 GB |
FILE FORMAT | Game Folder / ISO |